NBGL Clubs & Groups
Register your local game club or group for the 2024 Club Competition!
How does the Club Competition work?
When you sign up for any NBGL Round you will be given the option to input the club or group you are a part of. Based on the results of individual tournaments clubs/groups will score points for the Club Competition!
How does the scoring work?
We have come up with a scoring that will give any club/group a chance of doing well, no matter the size of the group or its location. It works like this:
We calculate the number of entrants associated with your club/group as a percentage of the total entrant numbers.
We calculate how many points members of your club/group scored in an individual tournaments results as a percentage of the total points available.
We then minus the latter percentage from the first and rank clubs based on those scores
Example 1
Members of 4 different clubs/groups register for a tournament of CATAN in Melbourne. (Names are made up)
The West Guild - 14 Players = 31.11% of players
The Super Cool Gamers - 9 players = 20% of players
Melbourne Stars - 7 players = 15.56% of players
Game it Up - 5 players = 11.11% of players
10 Players register for the tournament who do not register as part of a club or Group.
Total Player Pool = 45 Players
There are a total of 291 Points up for grabs
The West Guild = 103 Points or 35.40% of points
The Super Cool Gamers = 34 Points or 11.68% of points
Melbourne Stars = 23 Points or 7.90% of points
Game it Up = 45 Points or 15.46% of points
Club Ranking
1st - Game it Up. 15.46% of points minus 11.11% of players = 4.35%
2nd - The West Guild. 35.40% of points minus 31.11% of players = 4.28%
3rd - Melbourne Starts. 7.90% of points minus 15.56% of players = -7.65%
4th - The Super Cool Gamers. 11.68% minus 20% = -8.32%
Example 2
Members of 3 different clubs/groups register for a tournament of Carcassonne in Perth. (Names are made up)
The Kingdom of Perth - 27 Players = 60% of players
The Family Gamers - 8 players = 17.78% of players
Dicey Club - 5 players = 11.11% of players
5 Players register for the tournament who do not register as part of a club or Group.
Total Player Pool = 45 Players
There are a total of 291 Points up for grabs
The Kingdom of Perth = 179 Points or 61.51% of points
The Family Gamers = 47 Points or 16.15% of points
Dicey Club = 26 Points or 8.93% of points
Club Ranking
1st - The Kingdom of Perth. 61.51% of points minus 60% of players = 1.51%
2nd - The Family Gamers. 16.15% of points minus 17.78% of players = -1.63%
3rd - Dicey Club. 8.93% of points minus 8.89% of players = -2.18%